AI credits are used for translating your website content with AI. 1 AI credit allows the translation of 1 word. This means that if your website has 100,000 words, it will cost you 100,000 AI credits to AI translate.
AI credits are not a subscription item, and will not add to your monthly cost. They are a pay-as-you-go, one-time purchase, and can be purchased as you need them.
If you plan to translate your website manually, you do not need to purchase AI credits. The AI credits included in the subscription plans do not renew.
我们正在使用 Google Cloud Neural 翻译与我们自己的内部算法相结合来提供市场领先的翻译,以节省您的金钱和时间。
我如何编辑 AI 翻译?
所有翻译均可编辑,即使是 AI 翻译。您只需在仪表板的项目视图中编辑它们即可(基本上与添加它们的方式相同)。非常简单!
Yes, Linguana enables you to add custom code snippets in the <head> or <body> of your website as well as replace images on your website based on language.
Linguana 对 SEO 有好处吗?
是的!事实上,在开发 Linguana 期间,我们咨询了领先的 SEO 专家,他们为我们提供最佳解决方案,以便我们的用户在所有语言中都能获得最佳效果。其中一些解决方案包括子目录结构(或完全自定义的 URL)、翻译的 URL 段、元标题、元描述、alt 标签、图像标题、元语言标签等等。